Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Global and Strategic Studies, Moscow Russia
The paper deals with the dynamics of the African confessional space. It identifies the structural elements of Christianity, Islam and ethnic religions as geospaces: five centers of Christianity, two of Islam, reserves of ethnic religions, and a buffer zone where the competition between the major religions in Africa is the most intense.
confessional space; Africa; Christianity; Islam; ethnic religions; centers of religions; buffer zone; conflicts
Download textFor citing: Zakharov I.A. The dynamics of African confessional space since the beginning of the 20 th century. Human being: Image and essence. Humanitarian aspects. Мoscow, 2019. Vol. 1(36): Kuleshova, O., Lavrenova, O., Kalutskov, V. (eds.) Cultural landscape, pp. 97-112. DOI: 10.31249/chel/2019.01.00