«Human being: Image and essence. Humanitarian aspects» is a periodical peer-reviewed international academic journal of INION RAN. It is international with regard to its editorial board, contributing authors and thematic foci of publications.
The aim of the journal is to publish anthropocentric original research papers and systematic reviews on actual issues of modern humanities. The journal promotes scholarly exchange and cooperation among the researches in social and humanitarian sciences. It disseminates theoretically grounded research and advance knowledge pertaining to the field of philosophy, cultural studies, linguistics, and literature studies developed both in Russia and abroad.
The journal covers such promising research trends as:
Publication languages are Russian, English, Spanish, German, and French.
The journal is founded in 1990, and was published as a yearbook.
Since 2017 the journal is published four issues a year.
ISSN (print): 1728-9319
Key title officially registered by ISSN Center: Čelovek: obraz i suŝnostʹ
The recommended name of the journal in transliteration from Russian into the Roman alphabet: Chelovek: Obraz i suschnost’. Gumanitarnyje aspekty
The journal is registered by the Federal service for supervision of communications, information, and mass media (Roskomnadzor), registration certificate ПИ No ФС 77-72547, date of registration 28.03.2018.
The information about all the articles and full texts published (since 2000) is archived in Russian Electronic Scientific Library (eLIBRARY.ru). The direct URL to the journal issues. You can search through article metadata (title, author, keywords, abstract etc.) on eLIBRARY.ru.
The information about all the articles and full texts published (since 2000) is archived in cyberleninka.ru.
The URL to article’s full text is available on the article’s page on eLIBRARY.ru. The articles’ information is stored on the journal’s server and can be accessed through this page http://human-inion.org/archive.php or from each article’s individual page on eLIBRARY.ru.
Full-text archive of the journal since 2015 is stored in Ultimates Databases on EBSCOhost.
Full-text archive of the journal since 2017 is stored in Linguistics Database and Social Science Journals Database on ProQuest.
The journal is included into the Index of Peer-reviewed Academic Journals and Publications that must publish academic results of doctorial and candidate degrees dissertations (as of 31.01.2024, position No. 2874), recommended by the Supreme Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
The journal is indexed in Ulrichs Global Serials Directory, Science Index (РИНЦ), Google Scholar, bibliographic databases of the Russian State Library and INION RAN.
The journal is distributed by subscription and through retail. Subscription index in Rospechat is 57191, in Pressa Rossii is 81098, 87807.