Periodical peer-reviewed academic journal of INION RAS

Is it possible to externalize filmic experience through commenting discourse (based on “Afisha” and “Kinopoisk” users’ reviews)? (OPEN ACCESS)

Komalova L.R.

Komalova Liliya Ryashitovna – Doctor Habil. (Linguistics), Associate Professor, Head and Leading Research Fellow of the Centre of Emerging Practices, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor at the Department of Applied and Experimental Linguistics, Moscow State Linguistic University, Russia, Moscow,


The paper describes corpus research based on 72 reviews in Russian, published by users of “Afisha” and “Kinopoisk” platforms as a response to watching the film “What women want”. The aim of the research is to determine the diagnostic capabilities of film narration in relation to filmic experience externalization. We analyze commenting discourse about the movie using the means of distributional semantics, categorization and clustering. The main finding of the research is that the analyzed commenting discourse semantically imitates the review of a professional critic. Recipients’ comments are represented mostly by descriptions of the storyline of the film and the characteristics of the film crew, which indicates the low potential of open, public multi-user platforms such as “Afisha” and “Kinopoisk” for externalizing the filmic experience – narratives about the effect of cinema viewing on the emotional and psychological sphere of the recipient, their worldview.


cinematic discourse; film narration; filmic experience; commenting discourse; externalization; movie review; distributional semantics; categorization and clusterization; text corpus; lexico-semantic field.

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For citing: Komalova L.R. (2024). Is it possible to externalize filmic experience through commenting discourse (based on “Afisha” and “Kinopoisk” users’ reviews)? Human being: Image and essence. Humanitarian aspects. Moscow: INION RAN. Vol. 2(58). Р. 72-93. DOI: 10.31249/chel/2024.02.04

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