Periodical peer-reviewed academic journal of INION RAS

Manuscript requirements

Human Being: Image and Essence. Humanitarian Aspects publishes papers and systematic (analytical) reviews which stand up to the international standards of scholarly publications and are drafted in line with the stylesheet adopted.

Only unpublished (and not submitted to other journals / magazines / monographs / collections of papers / conference proceedings) papers and systematic (analytical) reviews are considered.

Manuscripts should be uploaded to the submission system or sent in digital format as a *.doc or *.docx file to the e-mail of the journal:

The text should contain no misprints or grammar / style / lexical / spelling flaws or imperfections, otherwise the paper will not be considered.

Any manuscript undergoes double blind peer-review process. The author is informed by e-mail about the outcome of the review process.

Any manuscript submitted is checked through the Antiplagiarism software for instances of plagiarism.

The editorial board reserves a right to amend manuscripts content-wise and style-wise.

The editor-in-chief decides whether the manuscript conforms to the focus of the journal and the issues covered.

The editorial board decides on the order of publication of the manuscripts which have received positive appraisal of the reviewers.

Papers and systematic (analytical) reviews are published without any fees charged.

The manuscripts (with abstracts and key words) should be under 40000 printed symbols including spaces. It includes the title, the authour's affiliation, the abstract, the key words in Russian and in English and references (in Cyrillic and Latin).


Reviewing of the manuscripts submitted for publication in Human Being: Image and Essence. Humanitarian Aspects

All papers and systematic (analytical) reviews which have been submitted for publication in the journal and are in line with the scope of the journal and formatted accordingly are subject to double blind peer-review.

Depending on its focus, the manuscript is sent to a member of the editorial board, advisory board or an independent expert recommended by a member of the editorial board (a reviewer).

A reviewer cannot be employed with the research institute or educational establishment where the research was conducted.

Reviewers are informed that the manuscripts sent in for reviewing are subject to copyright claims by the author and nondisclosure. Reviewers are not to make copies of the reviewed papers for their individual needs.

Reviewing is done anonymously. The author of the reviewed paper has a right to see the review in case of disagreement with the reviewer’s decission.

The content of the paper reviewed can be disclosed only in case of the reviewer’s claim that the information presented in the manuscript is forged or falsified.

Manuscripts are received by reviewers as an electronic document or its carbon copy without any mentioning or the author’s (authors’) name(s).

Within 45 days the reviewer (a member of the editorial board, advisory board or an independent reviewer) makes his/her decission whether the paper can be published in the journal.

The reviewer drafts a brief review of the manuscript which outlines the strengths and weaknesses of the paper, argues whether the manuscript can be published in the journal and whether it can be amended to stand up to the standards of the journal. The reviewer abides by the criteria to follow:

– whether the manuscript is in line with the scope of the journal;

– whether the content of the paper is in line with its name;

– whether the topic is relevant and novel;

– whether the paper relates to the recent developments in the ethnopsycholinguistics;

– whether the topic is thoroughly considered and the findings are well-grounded;

– whether the paper is drafted in a proper academic format.

The reviewer chooses between one of the decisions to follow:

– the paper can be published without further changes;

– the paper needs to be revised;

– the paper is rejected.

The editorial board informs the author about the decision by e-mail.

If the reviewer mentions that the paper has to be revised, the manuscript is sent back to the author to be reviewed and improved. In this case the date when the revised manuscript is returned back to the editorial board is regarded as the submission date.

The rejected papers cannot be submitted for publication in the journal again.

A positive appraisal of the manuscript is not yet ground for publication of the paper. The finalized decision is taken by the editor-in-chief and the editorial board and is specified in the protocol of the editorial board meeting.

The editorial board reserves a right to reject a paper if the author fails to consider the reviewers’ comments in the revised paper.

If the paper is approved for publication by the editorial board, the editor-in-chief decides on the order of publication.

The editorial board does not provide any guarantees concerning the time of the publication.

Reviews are kept by the editorial board for five years. Copies can be submitted to the RF Ministry of Education and Science upon receipt of a written claim.

The editorial board doesn’t keep manuscripts which have been rejected. The rejected manuscripts are not returned to the author(s).


To Appeal

In case of a claim by the author of the rejected paper, the editorial board provides him/her with a written argumentation for rejection.

In case the author disagrees with the reviewer’s decision, he/she may provide a grounded response to the editorial board. Then the manuscript will be offered to another reviewer for further consideration or reviewed and reconsidered by the editorial board.

If the initial decision is confirmed by another editorial board member, it is finalized.



When publishing their papers with Human Being: Image and Essence. Humanitarian Aspects, the authors pass on their copyright to the Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The author(s) of a manuscript accepted for publication in the journal are to send to the editorial board a Copyright Form & Publishing Agreement.

The authors are entitled to relating to the papers published in the journal provided there is a proper reference (For instance: Petrov, I.V. (2019). Big data and human intelligence. Human Being: Image and Essence. Humanitarian Aspects. No 4(43), pp. 96-105.).

Under the Federal Law on Personal Data Protection of July 27th, 2006, the authors who submit their papers for publication grant the Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences a right to process (including collecting, cataloguing, storing and renewing), use and dispense with the personal details provided by the author. This agreement is granted indefinitely and can be revoked by means of a written claim.

Download the Guidelines for Authors.

Download the Copyright Form & Publishing Agreement.