Periodical peer-reviewed academic journal of INION RAS

Metaphysics, logic and ontology as a non-paradoxical basis of simple proofs of Fermat's theorem and estimates of distributed lags (OPEN ACCESS)

Sedelev B.V.

Institute of System Analysis of the Russin Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia


The paper describes the essence of the «complex challenges» issue about existence in modern mathematics and econometrics. These challenges are difficult to comprehend due to the complexity of the formal and logical structure of substantiation. The author offers his own method of target synthesis to solve the problem. The method is based on the cognitive principles of Metaphysics, Logic and Ontology in order to make it an adequate and efficient instrument of stating and solving the «complex challenges».


the method of target synthesis; the «complex challenges» issue; logico-ontologic knowledge of subjects and predication of tasks; plurality of hypotheses; the principle of «the relation of the necessary following»; uniqueness of the causeeffect relationshi

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For citing: Sedelev B.V. (2018). Metaphysics, logic and ontology as a non-paradoxical basis of simple proofs of Fermat's theorem and estimates of distributed lags. Human being: Image and essence. Humanitarian aspects. Moscow: INION RAN. Vol. 4(35): Cenotaph: Person in the society of global hyperconsumerism, pp. 207-221. DOI: 10.31249/chel/2018.04.00

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