Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, Moscow,
The article describes the linguistic and stylistic explication of the COVID-19 prevention Internet slogan as a subgenre of the social advertising discourse. The author reveals the difference between social advertising and commercial advertising, as well as its functions. Relying on the case of Internet slogans from German electronic magazines, the author proves that stylistic means of all levels of language are involved in the linguistic-stylistic manifestation of the features of Internet slogans of this type of advertising: lexical-stylistic, syntactic-stylistic, morphological means, as well as rhetorical figures. Each of these means creates a general expressive tone of the text of the Internet slogan and enhances the suggestive effect of this type of text.
social advertising; subgenre; Internet slogan; prevention of COVID-19; linguistic and stylistic means
Download textFor citing: Yakovleva E.B. (2022). Language explication of the COVID-19 prevention Internet slogan as a subgenre of the social advertising discourse. Human being: Image and essence. Humanitarian aspects. Moscow: INION RAN. Vol. 2(50): Adaptive human being: communication, discourse, speech and language of modern society, pp. 103-119. DOI: 10.31249/chel/2022.02.06