Periodical peer-reviewed academic journal of INION RAS

Virtualization of the addresser: contemporary Japanese popular culture and pandemic restrictions as a resource (OPEN ACCESS)

Romashko S.A.

Literary translators’ guild, Russia, Moscow,


The article analyses the tendencies of virtualization of the addresser that have been observed on the Internet through the last decades, based on a complex methodology relying on results that have been obtained through the application of communication theory, media history and theory, and semiotics. The development of digital technologies enables the realization of the virtuality of the addresser of a message through a wide range of possibilities, from relatively simple anonymization to the creation of various invented personalities that are presented in the role of the author, live streamer, actor, vocalist. These processes are based on the examples of multimodal resources in use in Japanese pop culture.


virtualization; communication theory; media theory and history; multimodality; digital technologies; contemporary popular culture

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For citing: Romashko S.A. (2022). Virtualization of the addresser: contemporary Japanese popular culture and pandemic restrictions as a resource. Human being: Image and essence. Humanitarian aspects. Moscow: INION RAN. Vol. 2(50): Adaptive human being: communication, discourse, speech and language of modern society, pp. 46-71. DOI: 10.31249/chel/2022.02.03

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