National Research University «Higher School of Economics», Moscow, Russia,
This article examines the use of conceptual metaphor, which is considered being the most common means of conceptualizing and communicating interoceptive experiences including eating disorders and pregnancy. The current research is based on the theory of conceptual metaphor developed by J. Lakoff and M. Johnson. The article presents a classification of main metaphor groups that make up the metaphorical landscape of subjective bodily experience such as eating disorders and pregnancy. The material used in conducting the study includes contemporary English language corpora and topic-related resources. The article reviews both traditional metaphorical models in the corporeality discourse and the emergence of new metaphors.
interoceptive sensations; conceptual metaphor; cognitive linguistics; metaphorical landscape
Download textFor citing: Bylova P.D. (2022). The metaphorical landscape of subjective body experience: eating disorders and pregnancy. Human being: Image and essence. Humanitarian aspects. Moscow: INION RAN. Vol. 2(50): Adaptive human being: communication, discourse, speech and language of modern society, pp. 205-223. DOI: 10.31249/chel/2022.02.13